The Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS) operates organic layers of corporate governance structure. At the apex is the Board of Fellows which comprises the Past Presidents, followed by the Governing Council, and then the Management. All these groups mentioned have been very busy working out and executing various strategic actions to bring stability to our capital market, improve the national economy, and ultimately make the business more rewarding for our members.
“ In recognition of the changing dynamics of the financial industry worldwide, the institute has made the qualification process much easier, even though every single one of our examinations remain very high and world class in standard. Unlike in the past when we had one omnibus Professional Examination programme to cover every aspect of the securities profession.
“ Our young entrants today can choose to focus on Fixed Income Dealing, Commodity Trading, Custodianship, Equity Dealing, or Financial Advisory Services. They also have the option of combining everything as omnibus Stockbrokers.
“ It is important to stress that Stockbrokers worldwide are trained and recognized as the primary and most reliable experts in all areas of securities and investment business. CIS members today are practising in the United States of America, Europe, and, within Nigeria, in diverse sectors like government, banking, oil & gas and in the academics.
“ it is important at this point, to correct the impression that Stockbrokers are only stock traders: That has never been the case, because Stockbrokers worldwide are trained and recognized as the primary and most reliable experts in all areas of securities and investment business. CIS members today are practicing in the United States of America, in Europe, and, within Nigeria, in diverse sectors like government, banking, oil & gas and in the academics, just to mention a few. Of course, the stock exchange platform remains our forte and will always be.
“ Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, this great institute, the CIS, is recognized by our counterparts worldwide. Our working agreements with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, United Kingdom (CISI UK) and the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (ACIIA) ensure that our members can practise in 35 countries in the world.
“ The theme of our conference this year,
“Boosting Capital Market Competitiveness in a Challenging Macro Environment” was carefully selected to challenge our intellects in coming up with practical ideas that will trigger a quantum leap in the performance of the Nigerian economy. I congratulate our new Fellows, including a towering personality in the Capital Market and over 200 Associates, among who are professors, scheduled for induction at today’s Gala Night. “